Katz Divorce Lawyer Omaha.com
Built new professional “micro-site” for Philip Katz, Divorce Attorney in Omaha, NE.
Utilized 300+ hours of industry specific market & SEO research to perform extensive SEO encoding to all site elements.
Worked with multiple 3rd party listing sites to clean up online listings, ensuring proper “echoing” of site content to all listings. Synced all listings to website and Google Business Listings.
Utilizes multiple search analytics protocols to track and report on both key and custom site performance metrics.
About Divorce Attorney Philip Katz:
Philip Katz is a career divorce lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska, who has served on the Nebraska Sate Baord Association as the Chair of the Family Law Section. He is author of the 2012 legal document “Cesar v. Alicia & Its Progeny: Major Changes to Nebraska Paternity Law: Consequences Intended & Otherwise,” which was a featured article in the Nebraska Lawyer Magazine. Attorney Philip Katz has presented at numerous legal seminars covering various family law related topics, including the changing paternity laws in the state of Nebraska, the and complexities of dividing retirement accounts in divorce. He has led panel discussions with psychologists addressing the changing roles of mental health professionals across Nebraska in child custody cases; and, Philip has presented on issues affecting military members involved in divorce litigation.
Philip Katz worked with FullWebBuilder’s™ TC Nguyen, for more than 5 years at a divorce law firm in Omaha, Nebraska. When both Philip and TC parted ways with the firm in the fall of 2016, TC consulted with Philip Katz extensively in regards to the online marketing campaigns he had designed over the years. TC then built KatzDivorceLawyerOmaha.com for Philip as a gesture of ongoing friendship and support.
Within 60 days of its creation, KatzDivorceLawyerOmaha.com was on the 1st page of Google search results, and within six months had climbed to the #1 and #2 positions for the most used search terms for a divorce lawyer in Philip’s practice area. Google analytics reports indicate tens of thousands of natural search results are viewed every month, thousands of visitors to the website due to the SEO work, and dozens of scheduled initial consultations and retaining clients due to the website’s positioning.
While they do not get to see one another as often as they would like, Philip & TC remain good friends to this day. TC frequently credits Philip Katz’s commitment to family and community as one of his personal guiding lights. TC continues to monitor and support KatzDivorceLawyerOmaha.com, ensuring it keeps its SEO standings, and that hundreds of people every year find the superior legal support they need from a divorce lawyer by helping them Google their way to Philip’s office.
Philip Katz
Business: Career Divorce Lawyer
Location: Omaha, NE
October 2016
Philip Katz | Divorce Lawyer