Sun Diagnostics

When their former website design team approached them to rebuild their website with an aggressive SEO strategy for first place results, Sun Diagnostics was excited. "We want this to be our portfolio highlight." A year later, Googling the company's name "Sun Diagnostics" left zero results on the first five pages. Ouch!

Enter TC Nguyen, who at the time had a track record of first page and sometimes first place results spanning over fifteen years for websites of multiple industries.

"I can't make you any promises for placement. Anyone who does is being less than honest with you. What I can promise you is that I will give you the same level of care that I give all my clients, and I will not rest until I feel there is no more I can do."

Six months after was again redesigned by TC, the site was hitting first page results for the company's premier products' landing pages. Today, places ONE and TWO (yes, at the same time) for the search of "custom interference test kits" and "routine interferents." Who needs to see Google Analytics reports when all you have to do is Google what your customers are looking for, and you see your company dominating the Google search results?

About Sun Diagnostics:

Sun Diagnostics is a highly sophisticated medical research product company based in Southern Maine, with world-wide distribution centers in North America, Europe, and Japan. Sun Diagnostics is home of the trademarked Assurance™ Interference Test Kits, a product that simplifies interference testing for both laboratories and manufacturers. High quality, high concentrated materials can be procured by bio-research professionals around the world through (It would be dot-com, but someone is holding that domain and trying to sell it for stupid money.) 

Sun Diagnostics

Sun Diagnostics
(Medical Research Materials Supplier)


November 2020

Primary Client Contact

Rae-Anne Nguyen | Vice President & General Manager

FullWebBuilder™ Project Manager

TC Nguyen
