Bucks Bass & Beyond
Rebuilt BucksBassAndBeyond.com from the ground up. The original site was built by "a guy I knew" on the Wix platform. The a lackluster finish and zero SEO, the owner was hoping any change would be positive. He emails every year to say he couldn't be happier, and continues to pay his annual hosting bill at neck-breaking speeds.
The new site boasts some of the most visually engaging elements of true "custom content design" that TC Nguyen promises. From fish that swim at the pace of your mouse-wheel, to interactive snow that falls across a page about ice-fishing and puffs away with each mouse-click or finger tap on the phone glass, this site's visitor engagement elements are as effective as they were ambitious.
The client has reported doubling business year over year since the site's launch, and attributes the website to his tourist-centered business' ability to survive through the covid year.
The SEO is so solid that searching for "private fishing guide southern Maine" will get you the number one spot on Google, even when TripAdvisor is one of your competing SEO placements.
About Bucks Bass & Beyond:
Bucks Bass & Beyond is a private tour guide service located in Southern Maine. Captain Charlie McGee is the captain of his own large fishing boat who offers private fishing tours on the large lakes of southern Maine. In the winter, Bucks Bass and Beyond offers one of a kind ice fishing adventures on the frozen lakes of the Sebago Lakes less than 30 minutes from Portland, Maine.
Bucks Bass & Beyond
March 2020
Charlie McGee